Philanthropy is about using financial assets and influence to invest in social, cultural, environmental and community change.
Philanthropy Australia is the peak body with over 700 trusts, foundations, organisations, families, individual donors, professional advisers, intermediaries and not-for-profit organisations.
When Paul and Sandra Salteri established their foundation, they wanted a name that included their children and captured inter-generational philanthropy. CAGES is an acronym of their children’s names; Carla, Anthony and GEmma Salteri and represents two generations of expertise, experiences, ideas and interests.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children have the right to grow up healthy, happy and safe.
The ongoing impact of colonisation has created multiple, interconnected and complex barriers for First Nation’s children, their families and communities.
CAGES wants to help strengthen the Indigenous early childhood sector to give First Nations’ children the best start to life, and create education and employment opportunities.
Philanthropy is a way to create lasting positive change by enabling people and communities to feel empowered. But the truest intentions aren’t always enough. Philanthropy is steeped in white ideals, structures and is largely rigid.
CAGES Foundation seeks to change this power imbalance.
First Nations’ people have the knowledge, expertise and skills to respond to their communities changing needs.
CAGES foundation gives Aboriginal community controlled and led initiatives the flexibility, freedom and support to determine how to best use funds. They define their own points of impact and measures for success.
We fund new, diverse, and innovative ideas, filling gaps that may otherwise go unfunded.
We take time to get to know the community and organisations who are seeking support, ensuring we work together to best meet their needs.
Aboriginal community controlled organisations have been initiated by, and are controlled and operated by, First Nations people for the benefit of their community.
First Nations community members drive governance and decision making at all levels. There is diversity in how governance may be structured, reflecting the broad diversity of organisations and communities.
Community-led initiative is recognised and endorsed by First Nations communities as driven by community-defined needs and a genuine belief by community members that it will lead to beneficial impact.
The initiative may be implemented as a partnership between non-Indigenous and Aboriginal community controlled organisations if intentional capacity building and genuine collaboration for the benefit of First Nations communities is occurring. Community members must confirm that the initiative is considered to be relevant, safe, appropriate and supported.
CAGES invests in ways that helps strengthen Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community controlled and led initiatives to design and implement positive reform in the sector.
Every community is different, every need is different and changing.
Some examples include:
- diversified funding streams, resources and infrastructure
- clear strategies, connections and advocacy
- capacity building
- food security
- funding identified positions and capital works
CAGES encourages the philanthropy sector to take a more flexible approach in giving.
This means supporting communities to define their own pathways, leading to greater involvement and impact because they’re able to be responsive to evolving community needs and adapt quickly and creatively.
Even if funders and recipients are working towards the same high-level goals, when the solutions identified by organisations are not aligned with the preferences of funds-holders, organisations can experience barriers in accessing funding, or have to modify their desired approach in order to access funding.
CAGES approach represents a more efficient use of funds. There is less potential wastage of funds as organisations are able to adapt how funding is applied when identified needs change over time.
CAGES Foundation leverages our networks and connections to act as a catalyst for change.
We are committed to building a strong philanthropic community that respectfully walks and works alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
We didn’t get to this point overnight. We had to sit in our discomfort. To hear the truths about Australia and the philanthropic sector.
We encourage others in the philanthropic sector to walk this same path and build genuine relationships with First Nations people.
Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR1) Most philanthropic grant-makers require grant applicants to have DGR1 status. This means their grants are tax deductible. Due to the legal structure of many trusts and foundations, they are legally required to give only to DGR1 charities.
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